
Thursday, June 18, from 15:30 to 19:30, at the headquarters of Città della Scienza, Naples, in via Coroglio 57, the Conference "Access to credit and tax concessions for innovative Startups in support of economic development of electronic commerce" took place.   The event - or ... [Leggi]
Monday, May 4, from 15:00 to 19:00,  the Presentation of the Project RASID-CAMPANIA. has been held at the headquarters of Regione Campania, Naples, Palazzo Armieri, via Nuova Marina 19 / C, sala Armieri.   The event - organized by the Department of Employment and Training of Regione Cam ... [Leggi]
Master 2015 RATING ADVISORY AND FINANCIAL PLANNING (Third Edition)   March 31, 2015 marked the end the of Third Edition of the 2015 MASTER IN RATING ADVISORY AND FINANCIAL PLANNING, one of the most advanced specialized training course nowadays in Italy, organized by the Committee of Finance ... [Leggi]
On March 20, 2015, from 11:00 to 13:00, the first partners meeting, since the constitution, of the Rating Advisory Italian Association (AIRA), was held at the headquarters of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Naples, piazza dei Martiri n.30, conference room.   On th ... [Leggi]
DISCUSSION TABLE The current international monetary policies and the macroeconomic scenario in 2015. Access to credit for SMEs in Southern Italy: Funding Gap, Rating Advisory and Alternative sources to the banking channel   The Rating Advisory Italian Association (AIRA) - in collaboration ... [Leggi]
Tuesday, January 20, 2015,  from 15:00 to 19:00, at the headquarters of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Naples, piazza dei Martiri n.30, the inauguration of the third edition of what is today one of the most advanced specialized training courses in Italy:   the 2015 MASTER IN RATIN ... [Leggi]
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