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Aira-OdcecPescara basic Course 2018 in Rating Advisory and Financial Planning
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Thursday 22 February, 3.00 pm - 7.00 pm, and Friday 23 February, 9.30 am - 1.30 pm and 3.00 pm - 7.00 pm, at the headquarters of the Chartered Accountants Institute of Pescara, via Rieti n.45, was held the I Edition - in Abruzzo region - of the 2018 Basic Course in Rating Advisory and Financial Planning - Strategic Finance and Financial Markets for SMEs, organized by the ODCEC of Pescara and the Foundation for the Promotion of Professional Culture and Economic Development, in collaboration with the Rating Advisory Italian Association (AIRA) (n.12 credits).
The collaboration between AIRA and the Abruzzo Chartered Accountants has thus been inaugurated, and many have already taken part in this first meeting and training session. Due to the interest shown by the Colleagues for the subjects dealt with and for the activities developed by the Association, AIRA will continue the dialogue with the Institute and the Foundation of Chartered Accountants of Pescara.
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